Sunday, December 19, 2010


Six Pack Girl
Everyone wants to know how to get a six pack. What it comes down to is discipline and perseverance. If you don't continue with what you start, you will not reach your goal This is where most women fail in their dream of how to get a six pack that they have allways dreamed of.


Obviously, you need to exercise regularly and quite hard to tone your stomach muscles. This means doing some form of workout almost everyday. Strenuous stomach exercises can be done every second day to allow muscle regeneration. In between, run, walk or ride a bike. This will assist in fat burning which will eventually allow those abs to show through!

Six Pack Food

Ok, this is where many fail. Well you won't, if you can just BE STRONG! Yes, you can treat yourself occasionally, but overall stick to a high-protein and low-carb diet. Eat plenty of fish, fruit, vegetables and lean meat. Eat less bread, pasta and of course, foods/drinks that are high in sugar and fat. Drink 8 or more glasses of water per day.


Possibly the hardest one to persist with when trying to get a six pack - staying disciplined day after day. Believe it or not, it actually gets easier as you go on. Once you start seeing results, you will want to continue your good habits. Also, after several weeks of eating well and exercising, you will not crave junk food like you used to. It's true!
Good self-discipline and a high degree of motivation is the key to achieving a set of six pack abs you have allways wanted.

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